Meditation has many physical and mental health benefits, including stress reduction and improved focus. But meditation often takes practice. It is not always as easy as it looks. Plus, you may not always have the time to turn off your phone and remove yourself from...
Suntheanine is Taiyo’s pure form of L-theanine, produced via a patented fermentation process that mimics the natural process in green tea leaves. It promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness, positive mood, mental clarity, focus, reduces nervous tension, and helps prevent the negative side-effects of caffeine.
Articles by
How to help children with ADHD sleep through the night
by Suntheanine | May 18, 2022 | Articles
Children with ADHD commonly find it hard to fall asleep at night, and stay asleep. Some may become fidgety and aggravated in the evenings as their medication wears off. Others may simply have a hard time shutting down their active minds just because it’s bedtime. A...
How to quiet a racing mind
by Suntheanine | Apr 20, 2022 | Articles
At one time or another, you may wish you could just flip a switch to quiet your mind so you can fall asleep. Instead, you’re awake in a quiet room, with nothing distracting you from replaying the day’s events, planning tomorrow’s agenda or dwelling on something else...
10 quick ways to calm your frazzled nerves
by Suntheanine | Apr 7, 2022 | Articles
From causing headaches and insomnia to overeating, social withdrawal and inability to focus, heightened stress can play havoc on your health, mood and productivity. Because April is National Stress Awareness Month, we created this list of our favorite quick...
Calming an anxious pooch
by Suntheanine | Mar 22, 2022 | Health Tips
Vet visits. Thunderstorms. Car rides. Fireworks. Separation anxiety. Moving to a new home. When the world is about to become a scary place for your dog, try to be preemptive. Taking action before the adrenaline kicks into overdrive may help your dog remain calmer....
How will Suntheanine make me feel?
by Suntheanine | Feb 28, 2022 | Articles, Health Tips
Suntheanine starts working within 30 minutes to help take the edge off stress and tension. Because Suntheanine works by helping your mind produce more calming alpha brain waves, you won’t feel a big difference if you’re already feeling relaxed. But as one long-time...
How much Suntheanine should you take?
by Suntheanine | Feb 23, 2022 | Articles
When you’re in the midst of a stressful day, you may easily lose focus and start feeling frazzled. Sugar and caffeine in energy drinks may offer a quick fix, but those are stimulants. Suntheanine works differently. It safely and effectively helps you stay calm by...
How Suntheanine helps you find your inner calm
by Suntheanine | Feb 10, 2022 | Articles
Americans are stressed! From being crunched for time to feeling burdened with uncertainties, the resulting tension can throw you off your game during the day and disrupt your sleep at night. Suntheanine may help you find your inner calm, enabling you to focus on your...
What are alpha brain waves and how can you produce more?
by Suntheanine | Jan 18, 2022 | Articles
Feeling stressed and unable to focus may seem like an inevitable part of everyday life. But even during your most tension-filled days, you may be able to soothe your mind by increasing your brain’s alpha wave production. Brain waves are electrical impulses, broken...
Better sleep may help you keep your New Year’s resolutions
by Suntheanine | Dec 14, 2021 | From the Experts, In the News
Fatigue can lower your resolve and make just about any goal a little harder to reach. So whether your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, get in shape or learn a new skill, make better sleep a priority in 2023. It is fundamental to helping you achieve your other...