Fatigue can lower your resolve and make just about any goal a little harder to reach. So whether your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, get in shape or learn a new skill, make better sleep a priority in 2023. It is fundamental to helping you achieve your other...
A Chicago Tribune columnist recommends Suntheanine for dogs afraid of fireworks. Steve Dale, writing in his "My ...
Is the summer heat draining your energy? Getting better sleep is a start, but sometimes that’s easier said than ...
If you’ve ever experienced Monday-morning muscle soreness after over-doing it on the weekends, here’s some great ...
Dr. Oz recommended L-theanine on the May 16th episode of The Dr. Oz Show. As reported in Examiner.com, Dr. Oz ...
L-theanine calms dogs, according to Dr. John Ciribassi, a veterinary behaviorist and co-editor of "Decoding ...
There’s a right way and wrong way to breathe while you run. Most people do it wrong. According to Certified ...
If one of your goals this spring is to shed extra winter pounds, fitness expert Lisa Lynn can help. Appearing on ...
Inhale deeply. Exhale slowly. Ah, that's much better, isn't it? April is Stress Awareness Month, the 22nd year ...
The human body wasn’t designed to cross several time zones in a matter of hours. The resulting jet lag can be ...
One in four teens report stress, according to a new study by the American Psychological Association (APA). ...
Holistic pharmacist Sherry Torkos knows that traveling can cause stress. She encouraged San Diego Living viewers ...
Being diagnosed with a serious illness is stressful, and treatment often adds to that anxiety. The integrative ...
Baby boomers fighting insomnia because they have trouble relaxing should try Suntheanine before reaching for ...
“[Stress] can bring on an allergy attack,” Dr. Jonny Bowden told Sacramento TV viewers during a Sac & Co ...
Relaxation drinks that help you feel refreshed and relaxed are a fast-growing segment of the functional beverage ...
If travel is stressful for you, make Suntheanine a travel kit staple. It’s peak vacation season, and holistic ...
If you’re over age 65, take multiple medications and/or you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic illness such as heart ...
“Stress aggravates allergies, so what you really want to do is drink a lot of green tea and also look for foods ...
Over the last 20 years of teaching strength and conditioning, Certified Personal Trainer Johnny Gillespie has ...
If you think that over-the-counter (OTC) sedatives are safe because they don’t require a prescription, ...